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Maui Greeting Cards $6.00
West Maui from Ho'okipa $450.00
'Iao Valley, Late Afternoon $350.00
Sugar Cove After Noon $300.00
Driftwood 2 $400.00
East of Soco $175.00
Greeting Cards $5.00
Summer Peaks: Bishop's Cap $275.00
The Eye Of The Poppy $200.00
Phlox triovulata $200.00
It's Later Than You Think $250.00
Don't Look At The Moon $125.00
Half Light $200.00
Tortugas, Backlit $100.00
Waiting For Rain $200.00
Never Settle $175.00
Keep It Up $120.00
Central New Mexico $120.00
Waxing Over Sleeping Ladies $120.00
Tarantula Crossing $200.00
Venus Is Still Here $150.00
Please Leave Without Saying Goodbye (Waxing) $150.00
Moth-Like (Waning) $150.00
Magdalena 1 $350.00
Sleepy Requiem $350.00
Second Summer, Datura Bud $350.00
Fast Car $350.00
The Green Place $450.00
Mexican Golden Poppy | Eschscholzia californica ssp. mexicana $300.00
Rufous Hummingbird | Selasphorus rufus $350.00
Red-tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis $350.00
Yucca elata | Soaptree Yucca $400.00
Smell of Skunk in the Air $450.00
A Tree's Backbone $500.00
Due West $500.00
Storm Over Club Andrew $500.00
Mt. Mordor $500.00
OMDP Artist-In-Residence B&W $30.00
Wizard's Home $25.00
Freedom $15.00
Quartzite Glow $15.00
3 for $20 $20.00 / On Sale